Military Time Chart Printable 24 Hour Time Conversion Chart

DiscussCategory: 18650 BatteryMilitary Time Chart Printable 24 Hour Time Conversion Chart
Callie Game asked 1 year ago

Or do you just stick with the civilian 12-hour clock? Because military personnel can be involved in missions that cross time zones, they need a common time zone reference, so they know they’re talking about the same thing. “Zulu” or “Z” indicates that the time zone being referenced is Greenwich Mean Time (Coordinated Universal Time), the time zone that regulates the world’s clocks. In this case, 17 are the hours, and 30 are the minutes. Since 17 is greater than 12, subtract 12 to get the standard time hours. Military time employs the 24-hour format and the NATO phonetic alphabet. Learn how it works and how to convert it to a time format you’re used to. It is important to note that military time does not use AM or PM designations. Instead, the hours are simply numbered from 00 to 23. This can take some getting used to, but with a little practice, reading military time becomes easy. So, what are the main benefits of using the chart for military time conversion? It’s easy to use and save your time with conversions. Military Time Chart is what you need to convert a specific time from Military Time Format to Standard Time Format.