Enquiry on Cathode chemistry of 18650 lithium-ion batteries

DiscussCategory: 18650 BatteryEnquiry on Cathode chemistry of 18650 lithium-ion batteries
Emenike asked 3 years ago

Hello, please I am looking at purchasing these battery models and will be grateful if you anyone knows their cathode chemistry (i.e whether they are LCO, NMC, NCA, LMO, LNO or mixed). The batteries are

  1. LGDAHD2C1865
  2. LGAAHD2C1865
  3. LGDBHE21865
  4. LGABHE21865
  5. LGDAHB21865
  6. SE US18650VC3 3C
  7. SAMSUNG INR18650-13Q
  9. SANAYO UR18650SA R2111
  10. SANAYO UR18650SA T28B

Thanks so much.